Wrap Recovering Galleries
Wrap recovering galleries – Many brand new drums are finished with plastic wraps. However, the galleries on this page show drum wraps in use on drums that are not new. Old drums can be transformed to look new when re-wrapped using our products. In some cases, customers have provided beautiful before and after photos of their recovering projects. Others show the end result of their newly re-wrapped drums.
Custom wraps are made from computer graphics or photos. As a result, there are endless options. Unlike some of our competitors, our custom wraps are made using the same high quality materials as our standard wraps. Therefore, they look great and last for many years. One of the below galleries is dedicated to drums finished in custom wraps.
If you have used our wraps for a refinishing project and would like to share your photos here, please email them to us. We are happy to show off our customers work!
For more information on available options and prices, see our drum wraps page and drum shells page. If you are planning a kit build, view the parts we offer on theĀ drum parts page. To hear some of our drums in action, visit ourĀ videos page.
Click on any of the thumbnails below to enter the gallery