Unique Drum photos
Unique drum photos – Precision Drum Company specializes in building unique drums. Therefore, we encourage our customers to use their imaginations and challenge us with new ideas. Below you will find pictures of some of our more unusual drum creations. For example, a 50 ply maple snare drum, which offers an extremely loud crack due to it’s thickness. Furthermore, find high quality miniature sized drums for children and six foot tall drums for Blue Man Group.
In the early 2000’s, we had the pleasure of meeting the late Grandfather Wallace Blackelk when he visited our facility. Mr. Blackelk was a Native American chief who had us build him a Native American ceremonial drum.
In addition, we built custom marching “pan drums”, with the goal of making them as light weight as possible. This allows the person marching with them to go for hours without breaking his back! Our unique drum photos also include a reinforced bass drum shell, vented bass drum shell, and more.
For more information on available options and prices, see our drum shells page. If you are planning a kit build, view the parts we offer on the drum parts page. To hear some of our drums in action, visit our videos page.
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